New Feature

New Feature Alert: Choose Your Dismissal Sound – Horn or Bell!

 At StudentDismiss, we always listen to our users and strive to enhance your experience. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new feature that’s a direct result of your feedback: now, you can choose between two sounds for student dismissals – a horn or a bell!



A Responsive Approach to Feature Requests


Your feedback is our guiding star. When several of you suggested having different sounds for dismissal notifications, we took it to heart. We understand that every classroom has its unique atmosphere and needs, and we want our app to reflect that.


The Sound of Choice


In response to the diverse ways schools are using StudentDismiss, we’ve introduced the option to select from two distinct sounds: a horn and a bell. This feature enhancement comes directly from your feedback, where some of you expressed the desire to use the app for various activities beyond dismissal. 


Whether it’s dismissing students for a special event, or managing different school activities, you can now choose a sound that best suits each specific use. This customization ensures that each alert is distinctive and appropriate for its intended purpose, further enhancing the versatility and effectiveness of the app in your school’s daily operations.


The Horn: Ideal for louder classrooms, the horn sound is designed to be heard over a crowd, ensuring that dismissal notifications are clear and unmistakable.


The Bell: Perfect for a quieter classroom, the bell offers a classic sound that’s both gentle and effective, signaling the end of the day without disruption.


You’ll see this new sound choice (along with a choice for no sound) at the bottom of the classroom page.


Continuing to Evolve with Your Needs


This new feature is just one example of how we’re committed to evolving the dismissal app based on your needs and suggestions.  Have more ideas on how we can improve it?  We’d love to hear them! Together, we can continue to revolutionize school dismissal processes.


Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of the StudentDismiss community!

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